Saturday, November 10, 2012

Just finished my first of a series of seasons Bears!
Here is Miss Fall bear with her felt pumpkin
She has a crown of felted leaves that match those on her tutu. Winter bear will be next, but right now I am working on a puppy and kitty for ORVAL- Part of the aspca, a mascot they can sell at their fund raiser! I am rather proud of myself as they came out just how I wanted. Both are fully jointed...

Still making birthday rats- up to 17 needed now! Wheeeee!

Poor dragon is on hold until I get all this done : (

Monday, November 5, 2012

Gosh, I wanted to a listing per week and here I am already behind. I have had a good response to my small dogs and been making them like mad. Especially this one....

She is a maltese poodle kind of shaggy girl and I think I am starting to make them in my sleep. Still making pirate mice too. They are working out much better just a smidge bigger. My dragon is on hold but a few new bears are in the offing- autumn (fall) bear holding a pumpkin and a winter bear. I am also making a Dalmation dog. Other recently finished projects...
Apple brooch handmade from felt with hand embroidered details

Weenie Steakboy- um... girl is now a ballerina

My fragrance pouches that I make, using my embroidery machine on the edges and hand finish the rest with some beading. My studio smells fabulous : )

Here is hoping to show the Fall bear soon. I am planning to make another needle felted face bear. Polar bear idea. I will show progress as I go on this one.