Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Now Christmas is over and we are almost at the start of a new year. Time out has been fun and we have had many adventures together as a family. We have been to New Orleans, Disney and a whole bunch of awesome towns as we could not stop at Pensacola- Fort Pickens as a storm had washed away the beach road. About 2500 miles round trip...

I have made a few bears but been painting and planning school parties and Christmas. Right now I have a ham in the oven with potatoes roasting next to it.

Many new things have been playing on my mind for a while and I finally started on one. I have always wanted to make an elf like creature out of polymer clay. Here is the start of my 'hunter". The armature is aluminum wire wrapped in paper tape- masking tape.  The eyes are black glass beads. I wanted an ethereal unreal look to them.

Armature and start of head
Face with eyes-in close up detail

Of course E likes to play with clay too and we had fun cleaning her hands after the plasticizer we added to her clay dyed her hands purple!!
I also have been having way too much fun with the computer as I got a virus that has been heck on everything. It was quarantined by my software but it is still nerve wracking and I find some things may have been affected as I still cannot get them to work. Like composing on this page to add photo  into the text where relevant. Just makes me more convinced I am better off as an artist, not a computer engineer : ) 

The elf head and feet ready to bake

E's hand match her outfit : ) That plasticizer really released to color from the clay