Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This is what happens to an unattended polymer clay bake. I also think my countertop oven is too small and too hot for the larger sculpts I am doing.  He looks as if he has a bad case of frostbite. I have, since this one, finished one successful and simpler elf. Well a tooth fairy : ) The idea was "what would happen if a very old tooth fairy ( mine is a male) found a tooth crown instead of a tooth". What would he think?

This is my fairy all finished and in location at a dental company. I forgot to take pictures of all sides of the finished fairy as I was just so excited and could not wait to share him! I sent him off to his new home and then remembered. I will do a step by step of how I made him and share some of the tools I used as I did remember that bit. I have been slow physically (and mentally) due to a damaged tendon sheath in my right hand's thumb. Over the last 8 weeks I have come to realized just how right handed I am. Not being able to use my hand or with any kind of the dexterity that I am used to... Oh well. Life is what happens when you make other plans.