Monday, January 5, 2015

Farewell to 2014

The end of last year was super busy for me! So many awesome things such as new contacts made and bears sold. Even a wonderful challenge to start my new year. I have never made a Red Panda and the challenge from a really awesome seller on Etsy has made the start of my year wonderful, interesting and is changing the whole direction I was planning to start my year in, I am so grateful to her! I also bought a pair of her finger less gloves. She does the most amazing quality work with such fabulous attention to detail!
Check her out at:

I also had quite an emotional lead up to Christmas. For the last year my neighbor has been talking to me about making a bunny for his wife for Christmas. This November he passed away unexpectedly. I felt such an urge to make her this bunny. I am pleased at how she turned out, but I did have to ask another neighbor to come deliver it with me as I knew I was going to cry.

As we delivered the Bunny to her, we heard her grandson was in hospital and expected to be there possibly for Christmas. Again I felt I had to do something for this wonderful family. This is the bear I made him so he would have company while he could not be with his family.

Here is a gift/project I have been working on that has no fur- yup- no fur! E's teacher at school is expecting her first bundle of joy in March. I decided, along with E that we needed to make her something and we decided on a new item just for the baby. Since I am practical, I made a change mat and I am planning in time to make a matching diaper bag. We loved the hot air balloons and since it is a boy- blue seemed appropriate. Very colorful!