Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This week saw the creation of a much wanted to do bear. I have always loved the idea of steampunk. A victorian romance but with the idea of modern technology.

Charles's hat took forever! I really had a tough time figuring out how to make it and in some ways it still bothers me that it took so long : ) It looks good on him though. I love the outcome of the heart pendant that he holds. I made it out of sculpey and old watch parts. Thank heavens for Etsy sellers who have these things available! His fur is a special fur I got a while back and it resembles feathers rather than a fur! Super soft to the touch and has fooled more than 1 person. Califabrics.com sells it in all kinds of colors.

I am working on dragons now. Have a look on Etsy and Emma's Bears! I love that dragon- mine is a little more bulky in his nose : ) E's school is having 'diversity day' and I am going to show how I make the dragon- so I need one finished, one half way and one just started I think.
Time to shake some tail feathers and get going...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

We have finally finished our dragon. I am a lot happier with the result : ) We have also been busy exploring polymer clay.
Our dragon is wearing glasses and red sparkle eyes. He is going to be a Library Dragon for E's school.

Paw detail- we embroidered the claw shape to add emphasis.
His little wings- he is after all, a baby dragon!

Our ploymer clay explorations have also included dragons, mice and seahorses! Most of these were done by E! She has a real talent for making clay critters...I just did the green dragon on the bottom.

Plans are in the works for a top hatted steampunk feather fur bear, a really chubby bear and another fairy bear. Esty should have them by the end of next week if that top hat works out! Ouch on a new thing to make that feels a bit flimsy to me. Maybe thicker cardstock as the base of the hat that the fabric is glue to my be in order!
I am also expolring some polymer clay options to see if they can be sold as beads in our etsy store. The green dragon I made is a bead, and his leaf wings on top are the bail.
I did make one with pearls and gold, but as E lost a tooth- the toothfairy was asked to bring that dragon. Oh well. That tooth fairy has been way too busy in this house, but at least she brings nice things for E's teeth!