Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sculpting another tooth fairy

The last couple of weeks saw me sculpting again : ) I was asked to make 2 tooth fairies and I finally have one done. The other will be a girl tooth fairy. Again the idea is an old grizzled fairy that has seen everything in his life, but now has found a dental crown under the pillow and he is not sure what to make of it - as it looks so real.

I get my "teeth" from a dental company that produces a laser CAD CAM system and these are the try out crowns to test the system. Some look so perfect!!

He has been sculpted over an aluminum wire frame. The hands, feet and face are Sculpey Polymer Clay and his eyes are black glass beads. The hair is a scrap of faux fur in arctic white.

I love to wrap the body in dyed cheesecloth and then build layers over that in felt. I use cotton embroidery thread to add my stitching and finishing details. Hot glue is fabulous for holding things in place so I can stitch better. His wings are Angelina Fiber that has been ironed over a wire frame. I used a incense stick to make the holes.

He has gone on to his new home and has been well received.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Taking a break from Bears

I love making bears but every now and then it is good to take a break. This last week I have started an online class in wire wrapping! Something I have always wanted to try. Craftsy has some really wonderful classes and I am finding it easy to follow and the user interface suits me just fine.

I have almost made one pair of earrings : ) I want to wrap more pearls on. If you want to take an online craft class in sewing, jewelry, knitting or embroidery have a look at what they offer. I am also starting to list my patterns for sale on their site. Have a look at www.craftsy.com. I get no kick back for that- I just think this is awesome and wondering if there needs to be a bear making class....

Of course I cannot take a full break from the sewing machine ; )  I made some small dogs and there are two needle felted faced bears happening. I also listed a new pattern on both Etsy and Caftsy. My Little Deer:
Little Deer Softie Pattern


Jack Russell Terrier

Bull Terrier
My small dogs are about 4 inches high and while some sewing is done on the machine most is done by hand. I enjoy making these small guys and I think the Bull terrier is my best seller ; )