Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Mommy comes to visit us today for a long stay! Yahoooooo! I love my mom and she is such a great support for what I do. She bounces ideas around with me, we brainstorm things to make and she is my support when it does not work out how I want.

I know a lot of fabulous mom's out there. Here is a huge shout out to them. A huge hug and kiss for each great home cooked meals, the washing that magically reappeared into the closet all clean and pressed, the help with last minute projects (lots of those : ) ), fixing all those things that just needed fixing. For just being there. For all the great hugs you give us.

My fondest memories are of coming home and my mom would be there and suddenly the world was OK again. All the school bulling vanished, nasty kids became unimportant, homework not too much and of course there was always a snack and a cold glass of milk to have with our chat.

I have been blessed with a great relationship with my mom. I have been able, through my whole life, to be able to discuss anything with her. She always understood, even when I did not want to share something.

I am a mom now which has just added to the appreciation of all the things my mom did. I used to think she was so lucky not having to rush off anywhere everyday, but I did not think of all the things running a house takes. I did not know as my mom did them all. I never once asked if she minded being home- giving up her career to be there for us. I am trying for balance between a home business which I run by myself, and being all those things a mom has to be. I am also a wife, gardener, chauffeur, cook, cleaner... well- I am a MOM!

I love you mom! Thanks for everything!!

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