Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What my kitchen counter looks like right now! I am trying to get the monster (E calls him Gum Drop) and Fall Bear finished for Halloween so I must do that and list- well, like- today. Listing takes a long time as you want to be sure you not only tell what is important about the character you are listing but also that you spell correctly. I am amazed at how many times I have gone back to see a listing and found mistakes in the wording and spelling. I have many "cross gender" animals being called he and she in the same paragraph !

Photos still are my main bug-bear. That means my main problem. How do you convey the softness of the fur, the luxury of the fur and the expression of the animal. Sometimes you really do need to see them in person.

I am still in the planning stages of E's next birthday.  I know it is in December, but the speed at which this year has gone by tells me not to delay too long. I am hoping to have many items listed for the Holiday Shopping Season. Etsy tells us what to do and when but it does help that it is not my first season doing this. Still got a lot to learn though...

As we stand right now, the theme is still Alice in Wonderland and I am thinking of casting silver keys as the party favor. My jewelry studio is finally up and running!! Yay! Look at Etsy soon for some earrings, stack rings and necklaces. I love making chain necklaces and bracelets. I almost have some  finished. Silver sure has gone up in price since I last had to purchase it. I can see why so many studio artists are working in metals other than silver and gold. I have seen some gorgeous stuff out there:

This is a friend's work- check out her fabulous style: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KimberleyMorris

I lost touch with Kim a while back and was thrilled to find her work on Esty. She is super talented and works in a strong, beautiful and bright style. Her materials are unconventional, but then I remember her being so too and enjoying her company because of that.

I hope to show pictures of jewelry in progress soon. It is kind of hard to photo and work at the same time : )  I am also going to explore some polymer clay jewelry as that will allow me to add a sculptural element to my work. Watch this space...

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