Thursday, April 24, 2014

The armature of the body was made using the same armature wire as the head. Aluminum and 16 ga or 3mm. It is important to remember that the body armature has to support the weight of the head and the body, the feet can be large to help balance it. There is a lot of great info on making the armature on the web. Again my book I was referring to was great with its information. I made sure there were no kinks or bends in the arms or legs that were not natural or could compromise his ability to stand.
Once I had that decided- the head was important as there is a relationship between the head size and the body size. I could now make the hands and feet. Once baked, these were attached to the armature.

I sculpted the feet with a hole in the top of the foot to glue it onto the finished body armature. Super glue gel for the gluing.

The hands were done in the same manner. Made with a hole in the wrist and then when baked they were glued with super glue on to the armature. The strange thing he was holding was okay to bake so it went into the oven with the hand holding it.

The head onto the armature- The head was attached to the body and arm armature using copper wire to wrap them all together. I then used hot glue to hold it all together.
The fairy dude with his hands, arms and head in place. The hands and feet are baked then glued on and the head is wired on to the body armature. At this point the next step is to pad up the body. His position is not the final one. The armature wire being aluminum allows for some adjustments and as I wrap the body in cloth I did not need to worry about this yet. My next step is to pad up the body, then clothing...

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