Monday, July 7, 2014

July 3, 2014
I lost one of my best friends. His company was always so welcome, his love unconditional and his ability to always be there for me- unparalleled. I will miss my Mushu greatly. Especially when I have to work in the studio and he is not there to let me know it is time to stop for lunch.

Best gift my husband ever bought me

E and Mushu were big buddies from the moment she came home

Those loving brown eyes

How he let us know he wants something

How he spent the summer

Skinny puppy!
How to stop a Pyrenese from eating the fence to see- cut a hole...
How E learned to walk

I have so many wonderful memories of my Fur Boy. I will always miss him and try to remember the good times and all the smiles and laughs he gave me over the 11 years of his life.
When I cross the rainbow bridge I will be looking for him.


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