Friday, May 24, 2013

Marie Mouse has an up-hairdo. I has not been easy as I have had to add hair : ) lots of it- to pouf out the top knot.

the back view showing the gold ribbon and pheasant feathers that hold the braid in place
The front/side view of the knot
After gluing on and needle felting a few more hair pieces, Marie had an awesome amount of hair. I took some from the one side, about 1/6 of her hair, and braided that. I tied the braid off with delicate gold cord. I then took the rest of the hair and twisted it into a top knot. I wrapped the braided hair around the base of the twisted knot and that helped hold it all in place. There is currently a pin holding the braid in place as I intend to stitch it. The gold ribbon has real pheasant feathers glued on. This too is pinned in place. It is a bit to one side. I need to decide if I am going to put it totally to one side or centralize it.

Gluing in leather insole
Gluing on leather outer sole.
 The shoe making has been fiddly at best. Working in small sizes is never easy. The sole is leather and the upper is felt. I plan to embroider the tops and add bead embellishments. Court shoes were pretty fancy. I also need to figure out how to resize the shoe a bit as they are a bit big for Marie Mouse. I made them pointy from a pattern meant for round shoes....Although I tried to trim the length it did not work. I will have to adjust from the back.

Another project I took on to see how tough it would be- making covers for a composition journal. I ended up making a few for E's friends. Here they are in progress. I am thinking I may make some for my site. I would like to keep the background simple and applique an animal on. Dogs, bears, cats and birds. I am thinking of felt to do the applique in. Maybe a monster for the guys? Personalizing them with a letter is also great, but not for unless I add it as an option.

I am also thinking of useful things- cell phone covers, a jewelry roll, roll up pencil cases and maybe a "book" made of fabric for people who quilt. A book that can hold pins, slots for scissors, pencils, stencils- all these things that we use to create. I am always losing my scissors. A place to put them all the time seems like a good idea for me! The brighter the better so I do not misplace my storage book.

This weekend will be spent finishing the tiling job in the bathroom. I will be so glad to get the use of my bathroom back!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Marie mouse has hair!

Marie mouse being fitted for the bodice of her dress. So far the dress is good. Fiddly to sew as some parts are small but it is coming together now. I have used a chandelier earring from Charming Charlie store as the centerpiece of her bodice. The colors compliment the ribbon on the outer dress which is why I chose it. I found the earrings in the discount section which helps too. I am going to sew it all together to make one piece as I do not intend for this to come off of her. I have made a fabric bodice and stitched the earring to it. The fabric bodice will be sewn to the dress and the earring will overlap slightly.

The hair was bought from a doll supply- CRS Crafts - and is a Monique brand strip of curly hair. I have cut the pieces to length and glued each one carefully into place to build up a good wig. I am going to needle felt the edges to help blend them in more. Be careful with that glue! It is easy to over do it and put too much on- this makes the hair hard and I want long flowing locks. A bit like Rapunzel really! In the background you can see the pattern for the shoe I am planning to use. Some modification required as mouse feet are different to a dolls. well- mine are : )

The wigging has been started. I start at the bottom and work up. Gluing each piece on one at a time. Once the hair strand is dry I can add the next one. The Mouse hair is going to be a poufy wig with a braid wrapped around it. So far the plans are to tie a gold bow with feathers on to hold the top in place, but pearls look nice too. The outer layer of her dress has pearls glued on at the diamond intersections.

Next are earrings (drops removed from the bodice piece), the finished hairstyle and the shoes...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Marie Mouse is coming together. I have finished her polymer clay paws and hands. I free sculpted them- no molds used. I also tried to size them as if they were cloth ones. If I make another mouse like this - this is one thing I will change. I think making them smaller would be more elegant.

I am going to add some eyelashes to her face and maybe more puffiness to her cheeks.  The whiskers will be added last. My next step is to make her dress and shoes. After that I can assess the hat. I want a really French delection but I do not want to overwhelm her.
The eyelashes are doll mohair lashes that I have glued using Tacky glue to a leather strip. I will then add them to her face also with glue : ) .
I am adding gold ribbon on the her arms and legs to where the fur meets the clay. Not only will it look more elegant but it adds a measure of extra strength to prevent the arm or leg being pulled out. This little lady will be for looking at- not playing with!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

This week has been hard to get work done. Each time I hear licking noises I know the pooch got the "cone of shame" (Thanks Disney movie  "UP")  off and is checking his stitches. Now that the hair is through the licking is slowing down.  That sure was one big incision to remove his tumor. Poor pooch. Sure has slowed work in the studio but at least I know my mom super hearing still works.

I have finished my first Panda bear. He is sure very tubby. But I like well fed bears : ) . I struggled with the eye patches as I decided to applique them on. I am not sure coloring them would not have been better! I am working on a pattern where they are sewn in place first. This requires very accurate sewing or the eyes will be uneven. I will post a picture of this face process as I go along.
I have also worked on a Ranger Bear for my daughter's class, which will be presented to them on Monday. I hope to post a picture of them with the bear. Another exercise has been to make a butterfly bear with the favorite color being purple. She sure came out with a regal look to her! Pictures after the young lady has recieved her first.

School activities are high right now and I cannot believe how much the youngsters at our school have grown in size and grace. Summer is a slow time for me so I will be 'vacationing' my store on the 7 June for a break and a trip with E. There will also be a light of silence from this side as I am not sure how safe it will be to access this account from where we will be to let you know. If I can I will as we have some really fine things planned. I plan to resume on the 29 July or there abouts refreshed and with new ideas!