Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Marie mouse has hair!

Marie mouse being fitted for the bodice of her dress. So far the dress is good. Fiddly to sew as some parts are small but it is coming together now. I have used a chandelier earring from Charming Charlie store as the centerpiece of her bodice. The colors compliment the ribbon on the outer dress which is why I chose it. I found the earrings in the discount section which helps too. I am going to sew it all together to make one piece as I do not intend for this to come off of her. I have made a fabric bodice and stitched the earring to it. The fabric bodice will be sewn to the dress and the earring will overlap slightly.

The hair was bought from a doll supply- CRS Crafts - and is a Monique brand strip of curly hair. I have cut the pieces to length and glued each one carefully into place to build up a good wig. I am going to needle felt the edges to help blend them in more. Be careful with that glue! It is easy to over do it and put too much on- this makes the hair hard and I want long flowing locks. A bit like Rapunzel really! In the background you can see the pattern for the shoe I am planning to use. Some modification required as mouse feet are different to a dolls. well- mine are : )

The wigging has been started. I start at the bottom and work up. Gluing each piece on one at a time. Once the hair strand is dry I can add the next one. The Mouse hair is going to be a poufy wig with a braid wrapped around it. So far the plans are to tie a gold bow with feathers on to hold the top in place, but pearls look nice too. The outer layer of her dress has pearls glued on at the diamond intersections.

Next are earrings (drops removed from the bodice piece), the finished hairstyle and the shoes...

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