Saturday, May 4, 2013

This week has been hard to get work done. Each time I hear licking noises I know the pooch got the "cone of shame" (Thanks Disney movie  "UP")  off and is checking his stitches. Now that the hair is through the licking is slowing down.  That sure was one big incision to remove his tumor. Poor pooch. Sure has slowed work in the studio but at least I know my mom super hearing still works.

I have finished my first Panda bear. He is sure very tubby. But I like well fed bears : ) . I struggled with the eye patches as I decided to applique them on. I am not sure coloring them would not have been better! I am working on a pattern where they are sewn in place first. This requires very accurate sewing or the eyes will be uneven. I will post a picture of this face process as I go along.
I have also worked on a Ranger Bear for my daughter's class, which will be presented to them on Monday. I hope to post a picture of them with the bear. Another exercise has been to make a butterfly bear with the favorite color being purple. She sure came out with a regal look to her! Pictures after the young lady has recieved her first.

School activities are high right now and I cannot believe how much the youngsters at our school have grown in size and grace. Summer is a slow time for me so I will be 'vacationing' my store on the 7 June for a break and a trip with E. There will also be a light of silence from this side as I am not sure how safe it will be to access this account from where we will be to let you know. If I can I will as we have some really fine things planned. I plan to resume on the 29 July or there abouts refreshed and with new ideas!

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