Thursday, August 8, 2013


A big challenge for anyone photographing a craft is getting it right. Creating that warm fuzzy feeling. I struggle with this almost as much as costing out a bear. A good camera is great, but only if you know how to use it!

I have had the same camera for years and only recently, to my great embarrassment, I actually found out what some of the buttons on it do! I always just take a picture with the AUTO setting on. I do use the small flower logo so that I can focus in closer. I like the point and shoot approach. The Macro setting (the flower logo) option offers me my close up and this has always seemed to work just fine. Lately I have noticed a blue  or green-yellow sheen on my pictures. The whole color is off. Especially if there is white on the bear.
This should be a black and white bear on a white background.
I alo always use a white background so that when you see the store in Etsy it is all the same and looks uniform. However since I have changed the bulbs in the lighting I use, it seems to have changed the whole look I am getting. I am now using compact fluorescents and the reading of color on my camera has been changed. Did you know you can accommodate that different lightbulb on a camera? It is called white balance. The button looks like a sun. It helps your camera adjust to the light you are photographing in, so that white appears to be white and not slightly yellow or green or blue.
Of course you can correct white balance by just take pictures, loading them onto the computer and adjusting them with software like Picasa or Photoshop. That is what I do now : ) But I want to make sure that when I photograph my plushies that I end up with a good image that needs little work to adjust. I feel like I am cheating if I have to adjust anything other than a crop to fit in a nice image. The white balance button allows you to choose between daylight ( a sun logo), cloudy conditions (a cloud logo), fluorescent (looks like a long bar with light rays coming off of it), flash (the lightning bolt) and tungsten (a normal light bulb with rays). This helps the camera adjust to the light so that white will look like white again.
Totally overexposed and all you can make out is the black. Dramatic but not good.
Been adjusted using software but still not right. Gone from green to pinkish.
This little panda has given me so many challenges to photograph. Have a look on my site and tell me if you think I am getting better. I know I need more work on my photographing, but my skill in is making and not photographing animals, so I learn as I go along. Each small success is one more feather in my cap. When I started making bears I never thought I still had so much to learn! I like to count each success no matter how small as some days that is what keeps me going when things do not work out how I like!


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