Sunday, August 4, 2013

Wow! We are home from a six and a half weeks of world travel. E and I went to London to hug an aunt and see Harrods. We could not get to world famous Hamley's due to road closures as people were protesting the G8 summit. Still saw some awesome Steiff Bears and of course bought a Harrods bear : )

On to South Africa. Grandpa took us to Bakubung near Sun City. We got to see some awesome animals and what a fabulous experience. This is who joined us for lunch one day!
We sat up at an open air restaurant and he came right up and drank from the fish pond. I wonder what the fish thought?

After that we went to the coast and even though it was winter it was warm enough to swim. Durban was still warm and humid. Summer there can be super steamy!
Cape Town was next on our list. It is still one of the most beautiful places in the world and I ate far too much really superb food. Never mind all the good wine.
The drive around the coastal highway to Camps Bay.
Cape Town felt more like winter and the wind really scared us some nights as it blew so hard! Pity we had to see most of this in winter, as South Africa in summer is wonderful. But school holidays...
When we got back to Johannesburg, Grandpa felt that we needed to interact with some animals.

E feeding a giraffe. She wiped the drool off on my jeans after that. Yuk- giraffe drool is sticky

In the enclosure with the baby lions and a baby hyena. The hyena just wanted to chew on us and already those jaws are strong. The cubs liked E's pink trousers and kept swatting them.
Back home. Still feeling the jet lag but it is good to be home. Now back to work creating some new animals. Just not sure who should be first...

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