Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Moon Bear is a special pattern from Monica Spicer. I liked the look of her bear so bought the pattern from her shop "Mon's Treasures". The shop has the most amazing patterns. However I did not get the eyelids to work out for me. Kind of why I bought the pattern. He still turned out well and the young lady who got him is happy and that matters most : )

Moon Bear
I love the tummy insert and how the muzzle has a two tone. Not something I do much but will be great for the lion and fox in my works.

I am working on a pattern to sell on I designed this puppy a while ago for O.R.V.A.L . They are an animal league that works with rescue and rehabilitation of cats and dogs in Louisianna. I made a few puppies and kitties for them. I had hoped to hear about how they did with the sale of these but I know organizing fund raisers is never easy, and things fall through the cracks as a lot of people that work with them volunteer. I swear volunteers help make the world go around!

Sketch to pattern
Close up of picture

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