Thursday, May 8, 2014

Finally the finishing touches! I find that sometimes I have to lightly sand the Sculpey to get the paint to stick. I use acrylic and I stick to burnt umber, black, white and have green, yellow, blue and red on hand just in case. Use a very fine brush to paint the face, it has 5 zeros on it. My tooth fairy has whites of the eyes that are painted in, but next time I think I will plan to use a glass eye which can take the baking heat and has the white in place. I added color to the eye lids (eye lashes effect) and the eye brows. I use a micro pen with a very fine tip to add the final details for the eye brows. A good place to look when you are painting faces in is the Ball Jointed Doll (BJD) community as some of those face ups are magnificent.

His hands have age spots added in burnt umber. I glazed the toe nails with a sculpey varnish. It does look like he is wearing nail polish!

I added purple dyed cheesecloth around the wrists (the color made me think of the silicon gloves  see at my dentist office : )  ). A fine leather strip was used to tie around his foot to secure the cheesecloth on his feet in place. I did not go for shoes as he has wings...

A ultra-suede tunic finishes off his outfit. The hair is white faux fur and for his size about 1 inch in length. I had to make a cap out of soft fabric to get the exact shape to cut the fur in so that it would seem like hair. The hair was super glued in place- super glue gel is better in my opinion. I like the fancy one that comes in a container where you squeeze the tabs on the side to get a dot of glue each time. Very controlled which I need as I can easily glue my fingers together on a good day. He is balding- yes. He is old and I wanted to convey that age and experience. Maybe more wrinkles next time?

The wings have been made out of Angelina Film. I glued down fine aluminum wires (colored) with white glue to the film. Once the glue was dried I used a small heat gun and heated the film which then shrinks a bit, and changes into the most remarkable colors. Got it from Doll Makers Journey.

The wings are hot glued to the armature with hot glue. They were in place before his tunic was fitted as this tunic then helps to hide the jointed area.

At this point I made the decision for the final position of the arms and legs. As I had made his feet so big he was able to stand by himself and did not need a base of any kind. The aluminum armature which is covered in fabric allows for the arms and legs to be moved several times.

Pinterest has amazing things to look at for inspiration and a lot of great tutorials. Go explore...

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