Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Well, here I am starting a new adventure. I am hoping that by "writing" things down I can clarify for myself what it is I am actually trying to achieve. I have always made toys, even as a kid I loved making marionettes, puppets and monsters. Now I am doing this for real- but making artist bears, other animals- oh - and monsters. At 40+ this is a whole new way to have a childhood : ) Never mind a mid life crisis, I am back to being a kid again.

I started an Etsy shop in March. EdenandFriends- yes, all one word. So far it has been easy to list creations and maintain the page. The Etsy teams do make it easy.

Peter, the detective bear
I am hoping that my bears are liked as they are original and the way O work i would be hard pressed to make more than one alike. As an artist I worry about the price I charge, is it well made, what should I do next? I also have a bit of a complex about skill level and is my work good enough. Always good to hear if it is. Let me know what you think of my first needle felted bear...
love to all, off to take care of family


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